
We exist to support this generation of doctors

to forge a better future in medicine for the next

Medicine is a collective of some of the best minds in the world, we believe the solutions to the medical staffing crisis exist within the profession.

The Medworld Institute is a non-profit organisation uniting expert doctors, graduates, and medical education providers. Through evidence-based research, we identify the challenges facing the medical workforce and advocate for meaningful change.

Changing the Declaration of Geneva

In 2017, Dr Sam Hazledine, Medworld Institute founder, lobbied the World Medical Association, presenting a petition signed by over 5,000 doctors calling for the Declaration of Geneva (The Modern Hippocratic Oath) to be amended to include: the health and wellbeing of the doctor. Until 2017, the Declaration of Geneva stated that the physician's foremost duty is to the patient and that the health of the patient must be the doctor's first consideration (with no consideration for the doctor's own health and wellbeing), but in 2017 the World Medical Association voted unanimously to include:

I WILL ATTEND TO my own health, well-being, and abilities to provide care of the highest standard.

The Declaration of Geneva has only been amended four times since it was adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association in Geneva in 1948. It was amended in 1968, 1983, and 1994, editorially revised in 2005 and 2006 and amended in 2017.

B Corp

B Corp Certification is recognised globally as the highest standard for social corporate responsibility.
With this, we join a global movement of organisations that are driving accountability for their impact on people, the environment, and the community.

Becoming a B Corp is an important step in our ongoing efforts to advance the health of medicine.

Our promise to the profession is that we will never stop striving to improve the staffing crisis facing the industry and advocating for the wellbeing of our doctors. We have always been vocal about our mission, but having B Corp certification shows our customers that we are not afraid to be accountable.

Our impact

B Corp

Certified Organisation


non-profit organisation


signatures gathered to amend the Declaration of Geneva