We exist to forge a better future in medicine

Image of a doctor in black and white

Join our community of doctors and access resources, study grants, and classes—designed by your peers to help you navigate your medical career.

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image of two doctors standing side by side in black and whitetwo doctors standing side by side

The Medworld Institute is a non-profit organisation uniting expert doctors, graduates, and medical education providers.

Through evidence-based research, we identify the challenges facing the medical workforce and advocate for meaningful change.


The Well Doctor Series:

Learn from the doctors who have mastered career and life in this podcast for medical professionals.

Dr Tom Petrie

On Surviving Med School

Dr Dave Homewood

On Connecting with Your Purpose

Dr Angela Lim

On Mastering Your Mind

Dr Nina Su

On the Art of Medicine and How to Win on the Wards

Dr Gareth Andrews

On Work-life Balance

Dr Henry

On Identifying Burnout

Dr Henry

On Recovering from Burnout

Kate Nelson

On a Psychological Approach to Overcoming Burnout

Dr Ash Bowden

On Mastering Your Body

Dr Sam Hazledine

Introduction to the Well Doctor Series

Dan Lavin

On Exam Psychology and Strategy

Dr Jo Braid

On Understanding and Controlling Your Thought Cycle

Dr Nelu Simonsz

Dr Nelu Simonsz on Transitioning from Registrar to Consultant

teardrop shapes with photos of medical students and doctorsDrop shapes with images of doctors and students

2025 Scholarships now open

Are you a medical student who needs financial support?
Our scholarship programme is for your peers by your peers. Nominate one of your medical school classmates who you think is deserving.


About us

Image of a doctor

We exist to support this generation of doctors to forge a better future in medicine for the next.

Medicine is a collective of some of the best minds in the world, we believe the solutions to the medical staffing crisis exist within the profession

image of two doctors smiling

Medworld Institute unites expert doctors, graduates, and medical education providers.

Through evidence-based research, we identify the challenges facing the medical workforce and advocate for meaningful change.

Our impact

B Corp

certified organisation


non-profit organisation


signatures gathered to amend the Declaration of Geneva*

doctor cutoutmiddle doctor cutoutdoctor cutout